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9 Jan

#TravelTuesday: Tips To Save For Your Next Holiday

The start of a new year comes with the setting of new goals. For travel enthusiasts, these often include the intention to head to one of their favourite destinations at the end of the year or during a time when they decide to take a much-needed break. Of course, travelling requires one to be financially prepared.

If you are searching for ways to save up for your next trip, look no further. Here are some useful tips.

1. Draw up a budget
When it comes to travel goals, clarity is key. Drawing up a budget will shed light on how much is needed for the various costs pertaining to your trip. These may include flight tickets, accommodation, activities, food and even souvenirs. Always try to over-budget in order to avoid disappointment.

2. Have a travel savings account
Open a separate savings account where you will place all your money for your trip. Separating these funds from your other normal transactions will ensure that you do not spend money which is intended for your holiday.

3. Try a trusted travel agency
Travel agencies also serve as a great way to save up for your holiday. Through their savings plans, you can pay a certain amount per month for a certain period of time. The advantage is also that much of the trip is planned on your behalf, making it convenient for you. Should you decide to go with a travel agency, doing your research is of utmost importance in order to avoid falling for scams.

4. Learn the power of ‘no’ or ‘not now’
Let’s face it…having that unforgettable holiday at your dream destination will require financial discipline. It may sometimes mean not indulging in certain pleasures for now. Learn to say ‘no’ to yourself in order to make your dream holiday a reality. This will require having honest conversations with self. Sometimes you may have to consider whether you truly need to purchase that gold necklace and expensive fragrance, or whether that money can be directed towards your travel savings.

5. Consider a side hustle
A side hustle may be exactly what you need to help you make extra cash. When it comes to making your dream holiday a reality, every Rand counts. Look into your skills, likes and interests in order to determine what kind of side hustle you could venture into. For example, if you enjoy baking, you could sell cupcakes for some extra funds.

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