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14 Dec

Miranda Ntshangase’s Purpose-Driven Life of Art

Hailing from a small town called Jagersfontein in the Free State, Miranda Ntshangase is a South African actress and musician who was introduced on our screens on the SABC 1 drama series, Tshisa, in 2008-2009. It was through her first major television role that she rose to fame.

Apart from a variety of on-screen television roles, she has produced short films and is also a professional singer.

Aiming to live a life filled with all her passions, she is a true creative at heart who lives for the arts.

Miranda told Nounouche that from a young age, she’d always been drawn to the creative arts.

“When I was five, my dad asked me what I wanted to be and I said ‘a painter’ – I have always loved the creative arts, and I have adhered to my calling and God has been great in allowing my dreams to come true.

Miranda is also a trained actor, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Live Performance, majoring in screen acting, stage & multi camera and music.

“Apart from my BA, I am also a qualified assessor. But over and above my education, I think the experience I have gained through the years, and building our business is something that is priceless” she said.

After years of honing her craft on screen, she took the leap of faith and ventured into the risky waters of talent management with her friend and business partner Zinzi Zungu. The pair own Star Quality Management and have also opened an acting academy Star Quality Performing Arts College which has since produced great talent.

“When I was in my first year of studies, I once said to a friend, ‘I will own my own agency one day.’ After my third year I started interning at one of the top acting agencies at the time, and I have used that experience to work my way up since,” Ntshangase shared.

Since then, her career and journey over the years has been nothing but an incredible ride.

“You cannot teach such skills in school- it is on the field where it matters the most. I would not have any other way and thank God and my ancestors for walking this journey with me. I have been blessed to live my dreams and passions- others do not even get that privilege.

Added to that, Miranda said that she would not change or do anything differently. “This walk has been worth it,” she said.

As beautiful a journey as it may have been, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing, with funding challenges especially in the expansion.

However, this has not deterred Miranda into yearning to make a difference in the industry.

“Wanting to see a better industry for future creatives is something that wakes me up each day and keeps me going! My dad and his work ethic influenced me in a big way,” she said.

Apart from the arts, Miranda has personal interests that feed into the artist that she is.

“I like to call myself a motivator and healer of spirit- when you spend time with me, you are bound to leave refreshed with a better outlook on life- I am very in tune with spirit. But besides that I am a singer, songwriter as well as an artist – I paint in my downtime.

“In essence, I live for the creative arts – it is through these passions that I have learnt love, patience and inclusion of other diverse backgrounds,” Ntshangase said.

Describing a typical day in her life, Miranda aims to ensure that her time is well balanced.

“During the week- Mornings and evenings are dedicated to my husband and kids, getting them ready for school/work etc. I then get into the office around 9am and start with the agency to do list and later move on to our performing arts college to do list. Being a director and Dean of both entities means that it is imperative that both companies get equal attention.

“Sometimes it gets quite busy especially in “new production audition season” and “reporting and certificate season” – but I would not have it any other way…we make it happen!” she said.

We asked Miranda Ntshangase three questions to sum up the beautiful conversation, and these were her reflections:

  1. What are three things you wish you knew earlier in your career?

Everyone has a space in this industry-

Your time is coming, it is all part of the journey- keep walking it until you get to your destination

We are all the same- but different…those that get it, get it…

  1. What message of hope would you give to your younger self and those to come after you?

God always works in alignment with you- keep working hard and see how he unfolds everything before your eyes…

  1. If there’s anything else you’d like to mention, or any exciting new ventures or projects that you’d like to mention – please do, we’d love to hear about them and support them.

Our college is open for 2023 registrations! Those that are serious about being actors and want to study with us, we do not only teach acting we teach how to sustain yourself as a business as well.

They can visit our website or email and whatsapp /068 163 8184


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