From a young age, Lungile Duma has always dreamt of being on television. The idea of being in the spotlight and seeing her name in lights is one she has always related to. Through the Showmax series Adulting, her childhood dream has become a reality.
Born and bred in Bulwer in the KwaZulu-Natal province, the actress and model says she has always felt at home in the spotlight. She was raised by a loving grandmother who advocated for formal education. She was also unaware of the career possibilities that exist in the fields of acting and modelling.
A childhood dream come true
While pursuing her diploma in the field of Psychology, Duma strongly felt that there was something for her in the entertainment industry and she was relentless in chasing it.
“I think it was my fourth year at DUT, that’s when I started knocking at various agencies trying to find out what I can get and whether they can sign me. That’s when I started working with Boss Models. After that, I started taking my acting classes for a year.”
In taking up acting classes, Duma felt it was time to fully explore the possibilities which the world of entertainment came with.
“I knew that I now wanted to do what makes me happy. I think along my years of studying, I realized that I’m not an office girl. I’m more creative and I want to be seen,” she explained.
In pursuit of her passion, Duma was able to land a number of modelling gigs. She also had a few minor roles in telenovelas Durban Gen and The River.
“My first time coming to Joburg was for The River, for that small role. From there, I started to know Joburg because I was a Durban girl.”
After her minor role on the popular telenovela, she saw that Tshedza Pictures was looking for new faces. She then went through the auditioning process for Adulting – an experience which she described as nothing short of challenging. And as they say, the rest is history.
Adulting has afforded Duma the opportunity to shine, as well as to showcase her talent to millions of viewers.
Undoubtedly, her rise to fame has come with many beautiful and defining moments. However, being part of the Adulting cast is what she views as her career highlight.
“As a girl who came from rural KZN, as much as I would always dream, I never thought I would find myself in a show that is as big as this. It humbles me every time. Even if you interview other cast members, they’ll tell you that we had no clue how big the show would be.”

Embodying the role of Zithulele
Duma plays the role of Zithulele on the popular Showmax series. Often referred to as Zithu, the character is a good natured and possibly naïve wife. Duma shared that there are a number of similarities between her true self and her character of Zithulele.
“She is a very sweet woman. Loving, caring, she’s all about family. I believe that I too am woman who likes to build.”
However, she also admitted that there are vast differences between her and the character. These differences have sometimes made it challenging for her to fully embody the role.
“But also, Zithulele was not easy for me because that time I had no idea what it was like to be a wife. I had no idea what it’s like to be a mom. I had no clue whatsoever. And it needed me to get my acting coach. I had to work with Camilla Waldman. She helped me so much.”
Moreover, Duma added that she also had to engage in a lot of research, as well as to draw a lot of inspiration from the women around her in order to do justice to the role.

Family, self-care and filling the cup
When she is not working, the talented actress and model enjoys going out or relaxing and pouring into self.
“I love trying new food and new spots. I also enjoy my spa days. I love taking care of myself. Self-care days are what I always look forward to,” she said.
The actress is also quite a bookworm and can easily be found curling up with a good book. Her current read is Unbecoming to Become by Ayanda Borotho. With the turn of every page, she finds herself relating more and more.
Understanding that one cannot pour from an empty cup, she is very intentional in using her spare time to replenish her energy and fill up her love tank.
“When you get out there, you give a lot. So I take time to fill myself. I will be around my loved ones and make sure that I am content enough so that when I go back to work, I am cool and happy.”
To all who are inspired by her craft and share a desire to succeed in the world of acting, Duma encourages a firm belief in the beauty of one’s dreams.
“Never stop dreaming. It doesn’t matter where you come from. Never stop believing in your dream. That’s what worked for me. I am here because I didn’t stop believing in my dream.”
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