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5 Aug

Activated and Never the Same

Sarah Jakes Roberts

I discovered Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts through a YouTube video in 2018. I fell in love with how she was able to break down certain parts of scripture in a way that I could thoroughly understand, relate to and apply in my life. 

As a result, a number of her videos have helped me make sense of and navigate some challenging situations over the years. 

Doubt and uncertainty 

When I first heard of Activate South Africa, I was not filled with immediate excitement like many of the people who rushed very early to purchase their tickets and secure their seats. 

Strange, I know. In fact, I think a part of me had already subconsciously concluded, for no reason at all, that I was not going to attend. 

That’s what I had decided…or so I thought.  

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts and Pastor Touré Roberts were in the country for the Activate South Africa tour

On the 3rd of August, I found myself inside Rhema Bible Church for the third and final night of Activate South Africa. I purchased my ticket on Friday, the 2nd of August, after feeling very strongly that I actually could not miss the event. 

Of course, I had tried to fight this strong feeling. Remember, I had already concluded that I would not be attending so I felt the need to stand on business. However, there is actually no fight that is as tiring as the one that takes place in your own mind against your own self. So eventually, I gave in to the part of me that was advocating for attendance. 

An encounter with God 

In a venue packed with thousands of people, the atmosphere was something I cannot find the words to describe. The worship was electrifying and prolific. The prayers were earnest, reverential and devout. 

Quite early into the event, the strip eyelashes I had glued on when doing my makeup were already in my hand and tears were in my eyes. Perhaps, makeup wasn’t such a good idea, I thought laughingly. 

After a number of local speakers and ministers took to the stage to edify us through scripture and prayer, it was time to listen to Pastor Touré Roberts.

I had never heard him preach before. He broke down what activation actually is…“the moment of awakening when you have seen, heard and received enough to make a decision once and for all that you are who God says you are”. 

Pastor Touré Roberts

He preached on the importance of knowing who one is in Christ as well as showing up as who God says we are in His Word.  

At this point, the mood in the room was simply awe-inspiring. You just had to be there! 

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts then took to the stage. Naturally, she was welcomed with a warm cheer from the crowd. Continuing where Pastor Touré had left off, she spoke about the importance of purpose, lies from the enemy and coming out of hiding. 

”When you forget who you are, you feel lesser than, dream less and even expect less.”

As she preached, a sense of healing, hope and upliftment permeated the room. The audience was in agreement with her expressing the need to stop succumbing to fear, doubt and uncertainty. It seemed many were indeed tired of living half-heartedly and putting off the life which God has intended, simply in fear of a worst case scenario which doesn’t even exist. 

Never the same

By the end of her sermon, a number of people in the audience were in tears, myself included. 

For me, being in that room felt like receiving a long and warm hug from God. A hug that I truly needed. 

For a while, it felt as though I was the only person in that auditorium and that I was being addressed solely and directly. 

In hindsight, I understand why I felt the strong need to attend. I had an appointment with God. 

Through the songs sung and the sermons preached that night, I received answers to many of the things that had been causing unease to my spirit. 

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

Here’s the thing…after going through things you never imagined you would experience, living in hiding feels safe and dimming your light feels normal.  I too had dimmed my light and believed the fear, doubt and unworthiness which would fill my mind from time to time.  

I strongly needed to hear from God again. I needed to understand that the plans He has for me have not been cancelled. We’re still on, very much so. 

I was hit with so many ‘aha’ moments and I experienced an unbelievably overwhelming sense of calm. 

On my way home, I kept trying to understand and process what I was feeling. And then it hit me, perhaps this is the peace which the Bible speaks of. One that surpasses all understanding. 

I think I speak for many who attended Activate South Africa 2024 when I say the event was transformational. We can never be the same after this. I believe a rebirth took place and dreams were revived. 

It’s time to start living again. Come out of hiding. The coast is clear.

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