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6 Mar

Kutlwano Motla – A Queen Who Wears Many Crowns!

Legal practitioner, mother and digital content creator, Kutlwano Motla, is a queen who wears many crowns. Also known as ‘The Boujee Traveller’, she is an inquisitive soul and a thorough lover of life.

“I’m a very ambitious person, very passionate. I’m a lover of life, people and experiences. I also love to learn, hence my love for travel because it is an eye-opener,” she shared.

Jet-setting: A journey of growth and life-long learning

As someone with a burning passion for all things travel, Motla shared how her desire to see the world was sparked by her father.

“During Apartheid times, he used to deliver letters to activists who had gone into hiding in different countries.”

Post-apartheid, her father also had multiple opportunities to travel due to his career as a hydro-engineer. On some of her father’s work trips, Motla’s parents would travel together. Hearing all about their trips when they returned is what further sparked her eagerness to see
the world.

When she was in high school, the travel bug bit her strong and hard. Her first international trip was in Mauritius many years ago. Since then, she has explored various parts of the globe including Greece, Dubai, Zanzibar, New York, Singapore and the Seychelles. She has also
shared many interesting experiences with her online community.

France is at the very top of her list of favourite destinations, “I think I love it because it’s one of those destinations that I visit regularly. I go there as often as I can. Probably once or twice a year. I love it because there are just so many different things that you can experience.”

Prague with its fairy-tale vistas is also on her list of most-loved places. “I went in 2019 with my mom. It was a girls’ trip. I loved it because of the culture, the food, the people and just how safe I felt. It was probably the safest I’ve ever felt my entire life just exploring,” she shared.

Digital content creation – a path that found her
Although The Boujee Traveller shares her exploration and experiences with thousands for followers online, this surprisingly was never a part of the plan.

“I was obviously posting like any other person. My account was private until Covid-19 hit,” she shares.

During the pandemic, many online users were left with very little choice but to post throwbacks as they reminisced of a life they had to put slightly on hold and live a little differently. For Motla, travel was the one thing she could post throwbacks of.

She then decided to start sharing content from her trips in a way that is educational and informative. Her name ‘The Boujee Traveller’ comes from planning travel experiences with her family.

“I travel with my family a lot and I am responsible planning the trips. So, each time I would send them the budget, it would always include 5-star hotels. My brother would always come back to me and say ‘dude, you’re so boujee. Why must everything be so expensive?’

I decided to play on the word ‘boujee’ and that’s how the brand was born. It’s actually going to be my fourth year doing this,” she added.

Purpose in career and motherhood
As a young black woman in the legal fraternity, Motla shared that it is easy to feel like a small fish in the ocean when dealing with intimidating individuals.

However, being in the space is something she finds fulfilling as it enables her to help people. It has also helped her grow and improved her confidence in ways she never imagined.

“Law is a huge part of my life. I love my job not only because of what I can do and the difference I can make in somebody else’s life. But also because I feel like I can take on anything.”

It is this same confidence which she strives to impart to her 2-year-old daughter, “Being a mom has changed my life drastically. It’s no longer just about me. I have a bigger purpose beyond myself. There’s now this person that is literally a mirror image, not only of me but mirrors everything that I do. I want my daughter to know that she can literally be anything she wants to be even though society expects us to be boxed in.”

As she gracefully juggles the various demanding parts of her life, Motla lives by the famous Nelson Mandela quote “it always seems impossible until it is done.”

To ensure success, she also sticks to a routine and works alongside trusted individuals who help her carry the load.

“Life is all about balance and knowing what you can and cannot do. It’s good to have balance and it’s good to have people that you can trust and rely on.”

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