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21 Feb

#WCW: Noeleen’s Writing Is A Warm Hug To The Soul

Author ‘Noeleen Said’ writes words which provide healing to the heart and warmth to the soul. The 27-year-old best selling author uses her gift of pen and paper to offer much-needed validation. She address various topics related to wellness, self- development and healing.

Her two books, ‘Things I Never Said To Myself” and ‘This Time You Return To Yourself” are easy reads which touch on mental health, self-love, validation and healing the inner-child.

Always a writer…
Born and bred in Pretoria, her love journey with writing started when she was still in school.

“I used to write short stories in my notebooks and I would share them with my classmates. They would tell me that one day I would make a great author.”

In grade 11, Noeleen decided to put her writing on hold so she could focus on her studies.

“It’s that grade that actually gets you varsity admission, so I just had to focus on school.”

However, in less than 5 years, she had picked up her pen again. During a very difficult time in her life, tapping into her emotions through writing seemed to be the only thing that made sense.

“I was unfortunately unable to continue with my varsity studies due to a lack of funding. I had passed really well in my matric, and I went from being one of the best students to doing nothing. It was tough. It was just a point in my life where I was basically hustling trying to figure my life out,” added the author.

As it is often said that things get better, that is exactly what happened with Noeleen. She was eventually able to establish a career in Social Media Marketing. In 2017, she also started a digital magazine which gave a space for women to express themselves. Although the magazine closed down during the Covid-19 pandemic, she remains grateful for the opportunity and appreciates its impact.

Supported by a tribe
Noeleen added that her parents and two siblings continue to serve as the support system behind her greatness. They form part of what keeps her going even on the hardest of days. Moreover, she highlighted the special bond she shares with her younger brother and sister.

“My siblings are basically my best friends. We are close like that.”

Although the author acknowledges that no family is perfect, she delights in the warmth, love and support which she receives from them.

“Even when I say I don’t share things before they happen, that excludes my family. They know everything even before it happens.

We pray together, we do everything together. By the time that particular thing happens, I know that we did it together and it wasn’t just me,” she added.

Healing and Holding Space for Self
In August 2022, the author published her first book, Things I Never Said To Myself, which is a compilation of notes and nuggets she had written over the years.

Her second book, ‘This Time You Return To Myself” which was shaped by the experiences she went though, as well as that of those around her. The experience of having to drop out of varsity due to no funds, and having to process the emotions that came with figuring out what to do with her life also played a part in birthing the book.

“I would say that my writing mainly validates our human emotions. It validates our experiences. It puts us in a position where we look at ourselves with grace more than anything, she shared.

Both of Noeleen’s books are best-sellers and her hope for all who pick them up is that, through the pages, they may find it within themselves to hold space for themselves.

Noeleen Said… “Handle the person in the mirror with grace”
More than anything, she intends to normalise the importance of positive self-talk.

“We hardly pay attention to what we are saying to ourselves and about ourselves. This time, we return to self and communicate with grace.”

Ultimately, the young author wishes healing on all who have gone through life’s tribulations.

“I hope that those who pick up my book in search of healing actually find it. I hope that they may heal at their own pace and not compare their healing journey to that of the next person.”

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