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24 Aug

Circle of Life


What would life look like without rites of passage if not a linear, mundane, routine? As much as curveballs throw us off-balance, when prepared for them, they can be opportune moments for applied knowledge and skill display. As we grow and develop, we get enveloped by unavoidable life stages such as menopause or andropause (for men). This is because our bodies are made up of chemicals that trigger our physiological and emotional responses. At some point, these hormones can no longer be synthesized like before. An open tap at some point drips till it completely runs dry. This stage in our bodies is called menopause. Where the levels of oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone and melatonin progressively deteriorate. This causes notable, uncomfortable changes in systems and functions in our bodies tied to these hormones. The harmonious interdependence that is built over time begins to wane and fade under the influence of these hormones.

What once seemed like an invincible system suddenly towers to the reality of the system called life. Times and seasons change. This is why we ought to optimize the little seasons we have the privilege of enjoying. We will not be young forever, it is impossible, but we can optimize our health through our lifestyle to usher these life stages in a more forgiving and tolerable manner.

Menopause is defined as the biological absence of the menstrual cycle for a year in a woman’s life. It usually begins in the mid-40s to early 50s. Irregular periods with symptoms of menopause happen in the perimenopausal stage which is indicative of imminent menopause. Menopausal symptoms can last for a couple of years, but this differs from person to person. The intensity of menopausal symptoms also varies. Genetics, lifestyle, underlying medical conditions and other subjective factors determine the trajectory of one’s journey through menopause.

‘Andropause’ begins in the late 40s to early 50s but happens more steadily and subtly over a long period of time. So it is not a ‘pause’ in the literal sense, but rather a steady decline. Men may experience decreasing testosterone levels leading to physical and emotional symptoms. Mood swings, decreased libido, reduced muscle mass, developing large bellies and ‘man boobs’, lack of energy, poor memory and concentration and insomnia are some of the commonly reported symptoms.

What symptoms according to body systems can one expect to have during menopause?

Central nervous system
  • Vasomotor systems (vessel-related) like ‘hot flushes’
  • Sleep disturbances (related to lower levels of melatonin)
  • Depression/Anxiety (mood changes)
  • Memory and concentration 
  • Migraines
Weight and metabolic changes 
  • Weight gain (struggles losing weight)
  • Diabetes and hypertension risks increase so screening is highly recommended
Skin and hair changes
  • Hair loss
  • Reduced skin hydration
  • Increased wrinkling due to loss of elasticity of skin and reduced hydration
Sexual Function
  • Decreased libido (due to decreased testosterone)
  • Dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse)
The urogenital (urinary and genital) system
  • Painful urination
  • Needing to urinate frequently
  • Feeling ‘pressed’ or a burning urge to urinate
  • Getting urinary tract infections
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Itchy vulva
Musculoskeletal system
  • Joint pains
  • Fragile bones (fracture risks increase over time)

There are treatment options available to tackle some of the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause depending on one’s previous and current medical or surgical history. All treatment carries risks, this is why it is important to consult one’s doctor for proper assessment. Support and understanding are very important for such life stages, support groups, family and friends play a significant role in these adjustments.

Life is a journey to be enjoyed through all the highs and lows. Menopause just happens to be one of those last adjustments to a stable physiological state that prepares us for maturity, rest, comfort and reflection. Readily embracing these changes armoured with knowledge and coping mechanisms enable a less turbulent journey to soar.

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